Monday, February 27, 2012

My first blog

Hey everyone! I've been meaning to create a blog for a while now, but just now got around to it. My sister in law's blog is so cute and keeps everyone updated on what they are up to...
So, I am blogging about the balance of being a working mommy and to keep distant friends and family updated on what the Maxson's are up to in Tuscaloosa. I love my job and I absolutely love being a mommy to my 11 month old, Colt Patrick.
I titled my blog "Real Working Housewife of Tuscaloosa" because I work full time and I'm a housewife and mommy full time :) Hope it makes sense!

I am a drug rep and work a pretty large territory, basically west Alabama. Today I was in Tuscaloosa and hosted lunch for an office and also had my manager with  me today. He's riding with me again tomorrow and we are hosting a breakfast in Tuscaloosa and heading over to Bessemer for the rest of the day. I am very fortunate to work for a small pharmaceutical company with an awesome boss who cracks me up. I'm in the car driving A LOT so I really enjoy the company.  Colt went to sleep at 8 pm and I had a few minutes to start my blog. My mom spends the night with us on Mondays because she keeps Colt at our house on Mondays and Tuesdays. Josh is getting spoiled because she does our laundry while the baby takes his nap :) That's all for post is about our Memphis trip we took this past weekend with Josh's family. I'll post pictures too. We had a blast!